Argyll Leadership Training
On the 27th to 29th of October 2022, the Argyll Leadership Training course was held at Barmolloch Farm, Mid-Argyll. It was undertaken as a co-design between the team at InspirAlba, Art of Hosting practitioners from Connecting Scotland and experienced stewards from Denmark.
Argyll is a vast geography and different communities face different issues, including de-population which is a considerable challenge across the area. The Training event and follow-up work offered a space to explore the values of self, nature, our shared knowledge of history and community, to work in leadership roles and to collectively address these challenges.
Need and Purpose
The purpose of the training was to gather a community of practitioners who share values, personal and collective practices, and ideas to take forward the advantages of good leadership and collaborative learning across all sectors in Argyll.
Both in the co-design phase with the InspirAlba team and then during the 3-day event in Barmolloch, the Connecting Scotland practitioners used several approaches and introduced a number of practices including circle, check-in/out, World Cafe, Open Space, Groundwork, Flowgame and harvesting. There were also opportunities for four of the participants to develop more detailed content for their individual projects using the Groundwork Pattern.
Benefits Delivered
Through learning and practising together, the participants developed a deeper understanding of the main issues facing Argyll and how to build connections with others who live and work there, creating the space, content, courage and support to build confidence capacity for ongoing work to benefit our communities.